pulling, pulled

A dog is pulling a cat's tail.
A cat is pulled by a dog.
They pull each other. (彼らはお互い引き合う)
A cat gets pulled. (ネコは引っ張られる)

A glass is half empty.
動作:A glass got half empty. (グラスの水が半分になった)

a empty box

I'm full.
動作:I got full. (お腹がいっぱいになった)

A box is full.

a half full glass

He is standing.
a standing man
A standing man is wearing a green jacket.
動作:He stands with his hand in the pocket. (彼はポケットに手を入れて立ちます。)

They are standing.
standing people
They are standing in a line.
動作:They stand in a line. (彼らは列を作って立ちます。)

He is standing with a stick.
a standing old man
an old man standing with a stick
There is an old man in a blue pants with a stick.
I met a old man with a stick this morning.

She is walking.
She is walking with a book.
a walking lady
a lady in a white shirt
a walking lady with long hair
She is calling while walking
She is calling while walking with a book in her hand.
A lady in a white shirt is calling while walking with a book.
動作:She walks fast. (彼女は歩くのが早い。)

He is tired.
A tired guy
A tired guy is sleeping with a pen.
動作:He gets tired after school. (彼は学校が終ると疲れる)

stuck in the mud
A car is stuck in the mud.
a car stuck in the mud
動作:Her car got stuck in the mud. (彼女の車はぬかるみにはまった。)
pulling, pulled

A dog is pulling a cat's tail.
A cat is pulled by a dog.
They pull each other. (彼らはお互い引き合う)
A cat gets pulled. (ネコは引っ張られる)
A glass is half empty.
動作:A glass got half empty. (グラスの水が半分になった)

a empty box
I'm full.
動作:I got full. (お腹がいっぱいになった)
A box is full.
a half full glass
He is standing.
a standing man
A standing man is wearing a green jacket.
動作:He stands with his hand in the pocket. (彼はポケットに手を入れて立ちます。)

They are standing.
standing people
They are standing in a line.
動作:They stand in a line. (彼らは列を作って立ちます。)
He is standing with a stick.
a standing old man
an old man standing with a stick
There is an old man in a blue pants with a stick.
I met a old man with a stick this morning.

She is walking.
She is walking with a book.
a walking lady
a lady in a white shirt
a walking lady with long hair
She is calling while walking
She is calling while walking with a book in her hand.
A lady in a white shirt is calling while walking with a book.
動作:She walks fast. (彼女は歩くのが早い。)
He is tired.
A tired guy
A tired guy is sleeping with a pen.
動作:He gets tired after school. (彼は学校が終ると疲れる)
stuck in the mud
A car is stuck in the mud.
a car stuck in the mud
動作:Her car got stuck in the mud. (彼女の車はぬかるみにはまった。)

I'm stuck.

She is stuck in her job.
bored, boring

boring meeting

boring game
This game is boring.

He is boring.
She is bored.

I'm so bored.
動作:I got bored. (暇になった)
blocked, blocking

blocking the road
The big rock is blocking the road.
The road is blocked.
動作:The road got blocked. (道がふさがった)

A slow car is blocking a fast lane.
shocked, shocking

He is shocked.
shocking news
It's very shocking.
動作:He got shocked. (彼はショックを受けた。)

It's expired.
動作:It got expired. (期限が切れた)

tight pants

This blouse is too tight.
動作:This blouse got tight in the dryer. (このブラウスは乾燥機にかけてきつくなった。)

動作:It got done. (終った)

standing against the wall

A bird is flying against the wind.


sliding down

Sunny sides are up.
動作:get sunny side down (黄身を下にする)

He is facing down on the bed.
動作:He gets his face down while sleeping.=He faces down while sleeping. (彼は寝るとき顔を下にする。)

I'm out of office.

I'm running out of time.

He is getting out.
動作:He got out (彼は外に出た)

boring meeting
boring game
This game is boring.
He is boring.
She is bored.
I'm so bored.
動作:I got bored. (暇になった)
blocked, blocking

blocking the road
The big rock is blocking the road.
The road is blocked.
動作:The road got blocked. (道がふさがった)
A slow car is blocking a fast lane.
shocked, shocking
He is shocked.
shocking news
It's very shocking.
動作:He got shocked. (彼はショックを受けた。)
It's expired.
動作:It got expired. (期限が切れた)
tight pants

This blouse is too tight.
動作:This blouse got tight in the dryer. (このブラウスは乾燥機にかけてきつくなった。)

動作:It got done. (終った)

standing against the wall
A bird is flying against the wind.


sliding down

Sunny sides are up.
動作:get sunny side down (黄身を下にする)
He is facing down on the bed.
動作:He gets his face down while sleeping.=He faces down while sleeping. (彼は寝るとき顔を下にする。)
I'm out of office.
I'm running out of time.
He is getting out.
動作:He got out (彼は外に出た)